Vindale Research is a cool site because you actually get paid to try products. It’s free to join and how it works is that they will invite you to try a new product or visit a popular web site. There are typically new opportunities every week. If you are interested, you can request the product or visit the web site and follow the evaluation steps. They will provide you with detailed steps on what to do and what to evaluate.

After evaluating the product or web site, Vindale
 asks you to fill out an online questionnaire. This is where you review the product and tell them how the product or web site was. Your answers are completely anonymous, and they’re the reason why you’ll get paid!

When you're done, they add money to your Vindale
account. Every evaluation is worth real money, not points. Typically, payment is between $5 and $75 per evaluation depending on difficulty level, time consumption, and availability. Every time your account reaches $50, they will send you payment. If you’re new to survey sites, it’s definitely worth checking out.


Click Here to Join Vindale Research